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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Roads, water supply affecting quality life in Mufulira Central

Roads, water supply affecting quality life in Mufulira Central

Golden Party of Zambia (GPZ) Parliamentary candidate for Mufurila Central Constituency Jackson Silavwe says the state of bad roads and less access to water is affecting the quality of life in Mufulira Central.

Mr Silavwe said that the situation is not only inconveniencing to residents but unproductive.

“As GPZ, we have noted with great concern that the people of Mutundu Ward, Kafue Ward, Kawama Sikalangwe, Kawama College, V, W, BC and Kalukanya Extensions are experiencing less access to water, sanitation and terrible roads,” he said.

He said the condition is a clear sign of misplaced priorities by the PF government in servicing the people.

Mr Silavwe said the Government has constructed overhead bridges in Lusaka in record time and yet people lack basic necessities in constituencies like Mufulira.

He said that people walk long distances in search of water to meet the family needs.

Mr Silavwe said that they shall lobby government and cooperating partners aggressively to expand the water treatment plant in Mufulira.

He said GPZ will aid the people of Mutundu, Kafue, 07miles, 14miles, 17 miles, 21 miles with boreholes in their localities so that they don’t walk long distances.