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Research, the forgotten and neglected part of proper planning

By Rev Clifford Chisha
In most cases, good planning comes out of diligent research.

Proper research leads to great discoveries.

Luke 1:3
“Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus.”

The Greek word translated investigated is parakolutheo.

Parakolutheo means to attend to carefully, to follow closely.

It also means ‘to trace.’ The idea is conveyed in the tracing of an outline or a picture by a child.

The child overlays the picture he wants to reproduce with a thin sheet of paper and carefully traces every line, every stroke, every shade.

The finished product is then a carbon copy bearing the image of the original.

The fact that Dr Luke was inspired by the Holy Spirit does not rule out human effort.

He carefully investigated Jesus’earthly life from the very beginning and his book is arranged in a very orderly manner that is generally chronological.

He investigated every detail. He left no stone unturned.

Luke was not an eye witness to the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He had to depend on the information supplied by others.

This called for serious research.

Luke’s finished product is unlike that of any other Gospel writer.

He traced the character and reproduced the heart and passion of Jesus of Nazareth.

Research demands great investment into time and other resources.

Many organisations are not ready to invest in research, no wonder we get substandard products and services.

Luke produced quality because he invested into profound research.

The benefits of research are immense.
Proper research provides detailed accurate information which can become a basis for proper and adequate planning.

Look at the quality of the news and documentaries we get on various TV Channels and the print media.

Would you say most of the media houses take time to research?

What about the quality of debate in Council chambers, Parliament and panels on radio and TV stations?

Our Universities, have they adequately paid attention to proper research?

Its unfortunate that even the church has not engaged in careful research.

We do not have sufficient data to use in order to properly plan or make strategic evangelistic programs.

Look at the quality of our sermons on the pulpit. Are they out of serious prayer and proper research?

Research usually produce quality.

Let us emulate Dr Luke,the Author of the books of Luke and Acts.

Research has been neglected in most of our noble spheres.

No proper research, no proper planning.

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