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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Networking Event

By Wamsula Sean Penza in London, United Kingdom

The Zambia Business Alliance (ZBA) has called on the Zambian Business Community in the Diaspora to Unite and establish working together with a common purpose of contributing to national development from the diaspora perspective.

ZBA provides a forum for bringing together business leaders in the Zambian diaspora, UK companies working in Zambia, International Investors and Zambian and UK Government programmes that may impact on the development of the economy.

And Mr Wamsula Sean Penza Director of the Zambian Network urged the Zambian diaspora to use their network of contacts here in the UK to access capital and technology that they can use in doing business.

He said that the entrepreneurial spirit in Zambia is high and the diaspora should take advantage of this investment opportunity in the country.

ZBA had its first meeting last month at Zambia House. The meeting was designed to provide delegates with access to solar and other power sources that would deliver affordable power at multiple levels across the Zambia economy.

David Smith, Chairman of British African Business Alliance Ltd opened the evening and explained the principles of the Zambia Business Alliance and that it is incumbent on Zambians in the UK to reach out to UK businesses and investors and invite them to review the business opportunities of Zambia.

During the course of the evening, Mr Smith emphasized the opportunity for all Zambians and friends of Zambia to come together; and that all Zambian Community and business organisations are welcome to be part of the ZBA programme.

Mr. Smith then introduced Mr Tobia Charles of PASH Global, who outlined the role they play in providing the finance and technology to support commercial gas, solar and other renewable power installation in support of businesses. Further details can be obtained from

Mr. Richard Atwal Managing Director of Renewit Ltd provided an overview of his company that provides low cost, solar products that can be used to generate income in village and city life. Everything from solar powered barber’s sheers to a kiosk that could sell power in markets, and the equipment for solar powered sports bar. With 15 years of selling in Africa, these products require distributors and agents in Zambia. Further details can be obtained from

And Ms. Cathy Oxby, Chief Commercial Officer of AfricaGreenCo gave a presentation on the opportunity they are creating to reduce the cost of power by sharing access to the lowest cost power across a grid that covers 9 countries. Centred on Zambia Africa Green Co is committed to improving the attractiveness of Zambia and Southern Africa for International Investors. Further information can be obtained from

Mr Smith then stood in for Mr Mike Eyre of Greenheart Energy Ltd a UK company, which is delivering a variety of solar solutions from “Village Utility” units called Solapac to 100MW solar farms. Mr Eyre was in Benin, where he is negotiating a 14MW solar farm. The Solapac project combines up to 200KWh, 600litres of pure water and a communications connection either to local mobile platforms or a satellite provider. Precise specifications are available to individual buyers or communities. Further information can be obtained from



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