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Red Arrows fly high at KPF

By Mercy Chewe

Red Arrows dominated the 2022 American Rugby Tournament at Kitwe Playing Fields after winning the men’s and women’s categories.

The Arrows men’s team thumped Kansanshi 29-0 in the final to emerge victorious.

Arrows scored tries through Chileshe Mulenga, Alex Mwewa, Peka Phiri , Gabby Mungalaba  and Brian Mbalwa.

Terry Kaushiku and Alex Mwewa scored a conversion each.

The Airmen reached the final after beating Arrows B 26-12 in the semifinal as Kansanshi bear KPF A 0-6 Kansanshi

Konkola won the Bowl with Buffaloes scooping the plate and Arrows won the women’s category of the American tournament.