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The Independent Observer > News > RB’s son Andrew annoyed tribal sentiments

RB’s son Andrew annoyed tribal sentiments

Ex-President Rupiah Banda’s eldest son Andrew Banda is gutted by tribal sentiments being made by some senior Government officials.

Mr Banda, who has previously supported UPND, is warning against promoting tribalism.

He said tribalism was threatening national peace and unity.

“If there is trouble in this county some of us have nowhere to run to. This issue of tribal talk is irresponsible, unacceptable and must be stopped,” he said.

He is now advising Zambians against voting for leaders championing tribalism.

“Tribalism is being encouraged by people who are supposed to stop it. Some of us are sick and tired of this nonsense called tribalism because nobody chooses which tribe they should belong to when they are born,” he said.

Mr Banda has not been politically active in recent years/Radio Icengelo.


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