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The Independent Observer > Politics > Rainbow party sympathises with Chambishi Metals’ workers

Rainbow party sympathises with Chambishi Metals’ workers

The Rainbow party on the Copperbelt has sympathized with the 229 workers at Chambishi metals who will lose their jobs as the company will be put on care and and maintenance at the end of the month.

Rainbow party Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson Fewdays Sensema said it is disheartening to note that Zambians working at the country’s biggest Cobalt mining plant will lose their jobs at a critical time when the economy is harsh.

Mr Sensema said his party is on record stating that investors that come to the country don’t come to create jobs for the people but come to to make money and later leave leading to the loss of jobs of the local people in the area.

“Investors come and go. When they come to this country nothing changes in the economy. They don’t come create jobs for the people but they come to make money and later leave leading to job losses,”he said.

He said Zambians should be the ones running the economy and not leaving it to the foreign investors to do so adding that the party will work and ensure that Zambians are the main actors in the economy.

And Mr Sensema has assured Zambians that once voted into office in the up coming elections the party will revamp the small scale mining sector that will help people losing jobs to find sustainable jobs.

He also said that Rainbow party will strive to ensure that a policy is formulated were investment of small scale mining will become exclusive for Zambians as it is affordable for the local people to run.

“We will come up with a banking system that will support our people to participate in the economy. This is able small scale miners to access funds and equipment to run there businesses,” he added.

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