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Quizzed Ndola Mayor repairs deplorable Ndola-Kapiri under bridge road

Ndola Mayor Amon Chisenga has managed to fix the stretch at the under bridge is you Ndola heading to Kapiri.

See also: Ndola Mayor should fix under bridge stretch

Ndola Mayor was last under intense pressure when members of The Independent Observer WhatsApp Political forum quizzed why he could fail to fix a small stretch at the under bridge.

Within that week the matter become a hot issue making the Mayor to use his initiatives to fix the problem for the Road Development Agency and the National Road Development Fund can work on the stretch.

Today Ndola City Council (NCC) Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza has given an update saying the facelift is almost done on the stretch.

Ms Mwanza said NCC was elated with the works that have so far  done on the town Under bridge on Dag Hammarskjoeld Drive in Itawa (Ndola-Kapiri road) which was in a deplorable state and an eye soar.

“The works which are scheduled for completion by mid-October have seen a complete reconstruction of the carriageway and the drainage system. The Local Authority is happy with the assistance it received from the Road Development Agency and Zambezi Portland who donated 300 cubic meters of cement or 25 truckloads of ready mix cement to see to the completion of the carriageway.

“The road which was completely stripped off to give way to a rigid pavement (cement) instead of bitumen is now going through a curing process. The contractor China Jiangxi is also currently fabricating metal catch pit covers to ensure water reticulation goes into the underground drainage system which has been worked on,” she said.

She said the works done are forecast to last for over 20 years.

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