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The Independent Observer > OS > Public places in Chingola not adhering to Covid-19 measures

Public places in Chingola not adhering to Covid-19 measures

Dear Editor
I have observed that public places in Chingola are no longer following the  Covid-19 recommendations  from the Ministry of Health especially at Markets, bus and taxi stations.

There are no hand wash buckets in these places to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and other diseases.

As a concern citizen am appealing to the local authority to up there game and visit these places to remind the owners to adhere to the guidelines by the Ministry of Health.

I quote from what the Ministry advised last year: Press Briefing on Covid-19 and Additional Preventive and Control measures.

It stated that Personal and environmental hygiene is key in prevention of COVID-19; in this regard all public places including shopping malls, markets and other trading places, restaurants, bars, bus stations, places of worship, schools, offices, and other congregate settings are mandated to ensure cleaning of surroundings and proper management of waste.

Further, the public places must provide adequate and accessible facilities for hand hygiene and sanitation, failure to which they risk being closed.

I wish to reiterate and emphasize that we all need to exercise high levels of hygiene and comply with these measures which are aimed at safeguarding the health of the Zambian public. Health inspectors and authorized officers shall from time-to time visit public premises to ensure compliance and enforce these regulations. Failure to comply with the regulations shall constitute an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to penalties stipulated in the regulations.
Isreal Harringtone
Concerned Citizen.