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Provincial commanders directed to enhance foot patrols

Inspector General of Police Lemmy has directed all provincial commanders to enhance foot and motorised patrols in their areas of jurisdictions to curb lawlessness.

Mr Kajoba also expressed concern on the criminal activities that have mushroomed in Lusaka and the increasing levels of lawlessness that have been observed on the roads and high ways.

Mr Kajoba said the police command will not sit idle and allow anarchy and disorderliness to continue being a normal trend in a peace-loving country.

“You may wish to know that I have in particular tasked the paramilitary and traffic officers to intensify patrols in Lusaka’s crime prone areas such as the central business district (CBD) and other high density areas so as to curb crime in the affected areas, my command is also aware that some social gathering places such as night clubs have become fertile grounds for illicit criminal planning activities,” he said.

Mr Kajoba said that all commanders are directed to ensure that police detectives are deployed to infiltrate such social gathering places so as to detect crime and arrest all those found wanting.

He said that this will deter suspected criminals from harassing innocent citizens.

“My command has also taken keen interest in re-organising the reserve wing which in the past played an integral part in Lusaka division and indeed other divisions as an auxiliary force to the police in the fight against crime,” he said.