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The Independent Observer > OS > Profile of fired Sesheke Police Chief ‘Shaapa Wakunguma’

Profile of fired Sesheke Police Chief ‘Shaapa Wakunguma’

Shapa Wakunguma’s life achievements::
*Senior Police Superintendent
*Former National sports cordinator (Director of Sports) -ZP
*Officer commanding Sesheke District
*Trainer at Police Academy- Liberia
* United Nations Police Advisor – Liberia
*Physical fitness Consultant/ Trainer
*Inter City bus terminus physical security trainer
* Trained KCM security
* Drill and weapon training – Lilayi
*OIC sports Department- Lilayi
*FAZ disciplinary committee member 2014
*President Zambia Judo Association/ Commonwealth Judo Association committee member 2005-2010
*National Judo coach 2000
*2006/ 2008 Gold medalist Judo Championship in Northern Ireland and Mauritius
*2000 Bronze medalist – Canada
Gold medalist Zone VI Championship
*2011 Presidents Insignia for Meritorious Achievement (Gazette 228 of 2011)
*Master of Arts Degree in Defence and Security – UNZA
*Law Degree
*4th Dan black belt holder
This achievement is not mean. It takes hard work and a serious level of commitment and professionalism. He is simply a threat within and outside the system and not necessarily a failure in policing Sesheke bye elections.. his CV is very rich…

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