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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Procurement system in institutions slows completion of projects

Procurement system in institutions slows completion of projects


A Ndola based Ecomists Manase Siwila says bureaucratic inertia in the procurement system has continued to hamper the completion of most projects in the country.

Mr Siwila has accused the procurement departments in various institutions especially under the Local Authorities of having contributed to the slow completion of projects across the country.

Mr Siwila who is also Ndola’s Pamodzi ward Councillor, says the installed projects have seen politicians being blamed for failing to fulfil on their promises to the electorate which was unfortunate.

He says there is a supposed inevitable tendency of bureaucracy to perpetuate the established procedures and modes, even if they are counterproductive and diametrically opposed to established party goals.

Mr Siwila has since appealed to government to ensure that the procurement issue is addressed quickly.

He said if this is left unchecked the nation will continue having projects that are meant to be completed within the shortest period of time taking longer.