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Press for progress-Judy Kabemba

By Staff Writer
Chingola Women Activist Judith Kabemba has told women in Nchanga to press for progress.
Speaking when she hosted women on Women’s Day who she later fed, Ms Kabemba said there is need for women to press for progress.

She said women, children and their husbands are suffering because they are without jobs.

“If we are to push for progress we should stop the gossiping which weigh women down regularly and be united to redeem Nchanga Constituency. In wrestling power from men, we will be insulted and called names but we should stand strong and united.

“Nchanga is blessed with abundant resources yet our people have no jobs and we live poor lives. If we are to progress in Nchanga Constituency we need a women to be elected as Nchanga Member of Parliament to help women push for progress,” she said.

Ms Kabemba who contested Nchanga seat on National Restoral Party (NAREP) ticket in 2016  said since 1964 Nchanga Constituency has never had a women as its MP, hence the need to vote for a woman in 2021.

“Parliament has 150 MPs and only 26 MPs are women. I present myself as your female candidate for 2021 to help in transforming Nchanga.

“On the Copperbelt we have two Mayors in Kalulushi Rashida Mulenga and in Chililabombwe Christabel Mulala and things are appearing brighter where women are,” she said.

And Paxina Chunga implored women to rally behind Ms Kabemba in order to foster progress.

Ms Chunga said Nchanga Constituency had tried men and now time had come to hand the seat to a woman.


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