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The Independent Observer > Headlines > President Lungu’s visit to Mtendere was not a campaign- Mwanza

President Lungu’s visit to Mtendere was not a campaign- Mwanza

PF Media Director Antonio Mwanza says President Lungu’s visit to Mtendere and Baulebi Townships was a move to check on Covid-19 guidelines compliance levels in the areas.

Mr Mwanza said that President Edgar Lungu’s recent visit to the two compounds was not for campaign purposes.

“Contrary to accusations by a named opposition leader that the president was conducting campaigns, the president was on a fact-finding mission in the areas, the same opposition leader condemning President Lungu should be castigated for defying the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s instruction for political parties not to hold road shows,” he said.

Mr Mwanza said President Lungu should be commended for taking a bold step to sensitize people in the two compounds on the Covid-19.

“The head of state should also be given credit for distributing free face masks and hand sanitizers to the people,” he said