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The Independent Observer > News > President Lungu tells Kitwe Mayor to resolve land wrangles

President Lungu tells Kitwe Mayor to resolve land wrangles

By Nchimunya Miyoba in Kitwe
President Edgar Lungu has called on Kitwe City Council to quickly resolve the land issues surrounding Polo grounds near the show grounds in Kitwe.

Speaking upon arrival at South Downs Airport in Kalulushi today, President Lungu said the Mayor should engage in dialogue with affected people to resolve the land impasse.

He said his government is not happy that people are suffering because some leaders are failing to resolve issues of land.

“When you want votes you tell the people that you will legalise the land. After the vote for you U-turn on the decision and tell them that they are illegal settlers. I don’t want to see people suffering because of unsolved issues,” he said.

President Lungu said leaders are losing it because they do not go back to the people who voted for us.

He also implored Members of Parliament (MP) to go back to their constituencies and work with the people who put them in office.

He reminded the MPs that very soon they it will be 2021 and they will need votes from people who are currently suffering.

The Head of State said leaders are rich because of the effort of the poor people hence the need to go back and work with them.

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