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The Independent Observer > Headlines > President Lungu second to invest more in power generation

President Lungu second to invest more in power generation

Zesco Board Chairman Darius Mwelwa says that President Edgar Lungu is the second President to invest in power generation after the late first Republican President Kenneth Kaunda.

Eng Mwelwa said ZESCO commissions the first of the five generating units at Kafue Gorge Lower project and its posed to be a region electricity hub by 2025.

He said Mr Lungu today launches the project which shall generate a total of 750MW and costs $2.3bn. The increased in power generation will translate into economic growth for the nation and open up more investment opportunities for the citizens of Zambia.

Eng Mwelwa outlined other projects which ZESCO has embarked on to meet its target like the inclusion of solar and thermal energy which has increased the power generation in the country all done under the Patriotic Front led government.