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President Lungu respects tenants of democracy-Wina

Republican Vice-President Inonge Wina says President Edgar Lungu respects the tenants of democracy in the country, and that the Government appreciates the works of the Church.

“We appreciate the work you are doing here in Ndola and the country at large, in the health sector, education and other sectors, this goes to show that the partnership is well rooted and we would like to see this continue even after elections, we are also here to request for need to maintain peace during this election period from the congregants,” she said.

Mrs Wina said they have made an attempt as a Political party on the need for constraints even when provoked.

“We consider this a very important time when Zambians should be given an opportunity to elect leaders of their choice, under the leadership of Edgar Lungu we respect the tenants of democracy,’’ she said.

Mrs Wina said to achieve this, there is need for partners to work with and make people understand the policies of the PF government.

“There is need to improve wellbeing of the people particularly the poor, so that is why we felt that we could not leave Ndola without visiting you and without introducing our running mate so that she receives blessings from this holy house,” she said.

Mrs Wina said this when she called on Catholic Diocese of Ndola Bishop Benjamin Phiri at his office in Ndola.

And Catholic Diocese of Ndola Bishop Benjamin Phiri said the Church has maintained its stance to supplement government efforts.

Bishop Phiri has since instructed the Catholic priests to remain neutral and accommodate everyone.

“The Church and Government are partners in areas of education, health and social service, the Church also supplements the efforts of the government, that is why we have maintained that the Catholic Church will work with the government of the day for the good of the people we save,” he said.

Bishop Phiri said the time of elections is the church’s duty to preach peace and encourage Zambians to remain peaceful and true Christians.

“We have said in order for Zambians to be peaceful, we should preach peace, I have instructed my priests at this church that they must maintain their neutrality regards, because at church is a Christian, in a country where there is strife, it is the innocent that suffer the consequences,” he said.