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President Lungu concerned with new local Covid-19 cases

President Edgar Lungu has expressed concern with the new local cases of person-to-person COVID-19 transmissions which have been revealed through the vigorous screening and testing being conducted by the Ministry of Health.

The President says he is equally concerned by recent warnings from the World Health Organization that Africa could potentially become the next global epicentre of COVID-19.

A 19-year old woman from Bauleni who attempted suicide before admission died yesterday becoming the third COVID-19 mortality in Zambia with cases jumping to 61.

And in the process of trying to manage her condition, two health workers at Chilenje Level One Hospital contracted COVID-19.

The President says based on best experiences in global health learned from past outbreaks such as Ebola, all contacts of new cases are being traced and tested by the Ministry of Health and as this happens, vigorous mass screening and testing in Kafue, Lusaka and other areas shall both continue and be scaled-up.

He said this should be taken only as a timely warning of what Zambians risk to bring upon themselves if they continue to refuse to do the basics such as wearing masks, when in public, frequent hand washing, keeping a clean environment, no public gatherings, physical distancing, and ensuring that they stay at home and in their respective towns, cities and districts.

President Lungu said in light of the new cases and warning from the WHO, Zambians must not resign to fate, but bear in mind that any region or country can potentially become the next epicentre if prescribed measures are not followed.

He said Zambia’s success in its war against COVID-19 will be primarily determined by two factors namely effective implementation of global best practices in public health and collective responsibility manifested through immediate behavioral change.

President Lungu said with regard to public health measures, it is sad to note that some citizens have continued to act contrary to basic yet lifesaving measures.

He has warned those not following the measures to stop immediately as they are not only endangering their lives, but also endangering the lives of their families and everyone around them.

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