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President Lungu commissioned Chilemba Market

President Edgar Lungu has commissioned Chilemba Market shelter one of the biggest shelters on the Copperbelt.

This brings the total number of commissioned shelters in Chingola to eight and Chilemba being the last one to be commissioned.

Chilemba Market was built at a total cost of K2, 00390.00 from the local equalization fund while the modern ablution block at the market was built at the cost of K495, 000.00.

President Lungu later distributed face masks, hand sanitizers and emphasized the importance of masking up properly so that the coronavirus pandemic is contained.

“People should learn to wear masks correctly especially in public places, sanitize and wash your hands frequently because Covid-19 has no boundaries, it is only by following health guidelines that as country will fully be able to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic” he said.

The head of state said the PF Government cares for the people of Chingola that it is why it decided to build modern market shelters and up-grade various infrastructures so that the district can revert back to being the cleanest Town in Zambia.

“I want to encourage the residents of Chingola to rally behind the PF government for continuity and prosperity, you should vote for the development that you have seen not believing lies coming from the opposition political parties,” he said.

And one the marketeers at Chilemba Janet Banda thanked President Lungu and the PF government for building the modern market for the marketeers.

Ms Banda said the developmental works that the PF government have done in the district should be commended.

“This market shelter will have 600 marketeers and every one of us is expected to safe guard the market by keeping it clean, the market representatives should also ensure that the trading tables are given without any favoritism,” she said.

Chilemba market was initially supposed to house 350 marketeers but capacity was later changed to 600 so that other traders from various markets can be accommodated.