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President Hichilema delivers first SONA

Republican President Hakainde Hichilema has officially opened the first session of the 13th National Assembly setting ere he articulated his administration’s development agenda for the next five years.

In his first SONA, President Hichilema said rebuilding the economy is top of the government’s agenda.

The head of state said this in his maiden speech to the house under the also said that his government will work to ensure that the cycle of poverty is ended.

He said politicking is, now it is time for Zambians to unite, in order to achieve development and take the country forward.

The State of National Address (SONA) was themed “Creating a United, Prosperous and Equitable Zambia, Restoring Economic Growth and Safe Guarding Livelihoods”.

And President Hichilema thanked former president Edgar Lungu for setting high standard of democracy.

“We will ensure there is affordable cost of living and an increase to access to quality education and health care, my government has a vision for Zambians to have equal opportunities, through policy revision, aimed at restoring international and local confidence in all sectors of the economy, my government will not tolerate corruption and there will be no sacred cows,” he said.

The head of state also called for a moment of silence in honor of the late founding President Kenneth Kaunda, late chief Justice Ireen Mambilima and those that succumbed to covid-19

President Hichilema said that a fast truck court will be established to deal with those that have stolen public Funds and corrupt individuals.

President Hichilema said over-sight institutions will be empowered by strengthening legislations so that they can work effectively.

He said Zambians can achieve much if they adopt hard work, perseverance and discipline.

And on education, President Hichilema said that the less privileged will be accorded student loans and not those that can afford.

He said that issues concerning girl child education will be revisited, noting that the challenges that a girl child faces will not be a deterrent to education.

The President reiterated that caderism will not be allowed as days of Hichilema said the political violence are over.

He said only authorized council workers will be allowed to collect revenue