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Politicians urged to practice issue based campaigns

Copperbelt based Human rights activist Gershom Phiri has advised all political players participating in the August polls to avoid political violence.

Mr Phiri also called on the Patriotic Front’s Secretary General Davis Mwila to sign the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) peace accord which he had not signed.

“Signing the peace accord is a sign of committing party officials and members into election violent free campaigns,” he said.

Mr Phiri said politicians campaigning on tribal lines should desist from the act and campaign on issue based ideas.

Mr Phiri said that campaigning on tribal lines and tribal talks  has the potential to cause a genocide like has been the case other countries.

“I would love to urge everyone campaigning to outline issues that are affecting the nation and not tribal remarks, politicians should also avoid character assassination, and provocation towards one other,” he said.

Mr Phiri encouraged the police to ensure that they apply the law fairly in the eyes and the peace that Zambians want to achieve.

It is important that we honor our founding father Dr Kenneth Kaunda by holding free and fair elections, as well as violence free campaigns,” he said.