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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Political violence not a solution

Political violence not a solution

Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles (MPNVP) Organization says that political violence is not a solution for people’s suffering.

MPNVP Chairperson Joseck Kunda said that the people are going through sufferings that need a lasting solution and resorting to violence will not help anything.

He said the people perpetuating violence should be punished as all the cases reported, two parties have been cited and have been at the center of conflicts.

Mr Kunda said it is logical expecting the PF to have been harboring resentment towards the UPND, they perceive the opposition as possible contenders and opportunists who might carry the day.

He said the PF also feel that they are still commanding respect and support and that they have accomplished so much to deserve more time in power.

Mr Kunda said inabilities to convince electorates are another recipe for violence because some politicians have no proper manifestos and agendas for the people.

He said it is regrettable for the loss of the lives due to political violence that ensured recently.

Mr Kunda has appealed to all political leaders to preach peace among their members.

He said the Church and traditional leaders must also come on board to preach peace in the nation

“Let us all cooperate with the law enforcement agencies including the Zambia Police, the Defense forces, the Electoral Commission of Zambia and other relevant institutions that supports peace process making,” he said.