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The Independent Observer > Politics > Political tension threat to security-SP

Political tension threat to security-SP

Socialist Party Chingola Coordinator Joseph Kangwa says the current political rivalry is fading the plight of Zambia being a Christian Nation.

Mr Kangwa said the act of misusing power and public offices to suit the interest groupings of the minority is spark fire one day.

He said the luck of transparent and accountability in government is dividing the country.

Mr Kangwa said the unending political contention that appears not to favor democracy and unit is fermenting hatred, inequality, chaos, injustice and corruption.

“The politics that we are experiencing now in the country called a Christian Nation is against the preaching of Jesus Christ. Notwithstanding, as Zambians especially Christians it is our duty to fight for democracy, peace, equity and Justice.

He has appealed to all the clergies and all the Zambians to build a society that promotes Christianity.

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