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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Police should redeem themselves

Police should redeem themselves

Dear Editor
I write to appeal to police to redeem themselves from the ongoing complaints and attacks that they are enforcing Covid 19 health regulations/guidelines with impartiality, in regard to the electoral campaign period.
Most opposition political parties and electoral stakeholders are saddened that police seem to apply the covid 19 guidelines with bias.
For instance, how do the Patriotic Front mega mobilization or is it procession, get a go ahead from the same police that go round to stop the opposition political players from meeting in the same manner.
What really transpired in Kitwe on Saturday where the police besieged changanamai grounds as early as 05.00 hours when we were all still asleep to seal it and deter UPND from holding its rally with caution over the Covid 19 guideline, while allowing another processing of another political group that was seen moving in numbers in the same time without Covid 19 health guidelines?
No science needed but indeed police has a lot to do to win themselves the trust and credentials they surely deserve.
And when responding to complaints from society, it is my wish and appeal to police command to be sober in engagement than using threats much as we know that, this is a police service for the people and not a police force.
It is also important to note that all these people complaining about the police impartiality are the tax payers who make up for the civil service wage bill, of which you are equally monthly beneficiaries.
Level the Covid 19 health guidelines enforcement without looking at the colour or face but at what is at stake currently; which is call for free and fair elections.
Political rallies for all I know are not banned because it is Electoral Commission of Zambia that is mandated with that electoral responsibility, it is only Patriotic Front that has banned their political rallies, and I just hope there is no mix up herel.
Wisdom Muyunda