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Police Officer appeal in court for murder

A police officer and two police reserves from Itezhi Tezhi district in Southern Province are in court for allegedly murdering a suspect.

Details of the crime are that the three allegedly murdered Chinyama Kayombo on April 9 in Itezhi Tezhi district of Southern Province.

When the trio appeared before Court, Magistrates Mugala Chalwe explained the charges to them.

Magistrate Chalwe explained to the accused persons that they could not take plea before her court as the charges are tried in the High Court.

The trio allegedly beat the deceased in an Itezhi Tezhi police cell, claiming they were trying to teach him a lesson after he was caught moving aimlessly near his home.

It is alleged that the deceased questioned the three as to why they let go of a friend he was with but insisted on taking him to the police station.

The court heard that the three suspects did not take the challenge well, which resulted in an exchange of words leading to the deceased being beaten. ZANIS