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PF, UPND preach peace in Lufwanyama polls

By Nchimunya Miyoba
Patriotic Front (PF) Provincial Chairperson Nathan Chanda says youths from both the ruling PF and the United Party for National Development (UPND) in the province should coexist.

Mr chanda who is also Luanshya Mayor said the only thing to do during the election campaigns and on the day of voting is to promote peace and unity as well as selling party manifestos from both parties.

Speaking in an interview with The Independent Observer in Lufwanyama this afternoon, Mr Chanda said he is happy with the peaceful atmosphere that has characterized the elections despite a few pockets of intimidating from the other players.

Mr Chanda said youths must learn that engaging in any form of violence has nothing positive to offer but result mostly in one losing life and getting injured.

“Youths from both parties need to coexist to bring development. Youths must learn that engaging in violence will only bring injury to there life,” he said.

And UPND Provincial youth Chairperson Ronald Manenga said the political atmosphere in lufwanyama is good as the leadership from both parties have agreed to uphold Peace during the elections.

Mr Manenga said the PF chairperson has assured the UPND of peaceful elections adding that Mr Chanda should show leadership as he is representing the people in the province and not instigate violence.

He said this election is not important compared to human life hence the need for youths to restraint themselves and uphold peace.

Mr Manenga assured Zambians that party will not take the law in their hands as the party respect the police to do their duty.

“We had a chat with my colleague Chanda and have assured each that we are going to have peaceful elections. There is nothing we can complain about so far so good. We hope it will different here compared to what happened in Kasama,” he stressed.

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