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PF, UPND agree to end political violence in Ndola

The Patriotic Front and the United Party for National Development parties in Ndola have agreed to end political violence.

The agreement was signed by Kabushi PF parliamentary candidate Bowman Lusambo and Ndola Central UPND parliamentary candidate Frank Tayali in Ndola.

Mr Lusambo said there is no need to have violence just for votes.

He said the people of Ndola will campaign peacefully as a way to honor Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

“Elections are just for a day and after that we will remain friends. Today we are here as a team UPND and PF, during this mourning period of our father Dr Kaunda, we want to reaffirm what President Dr Kaunda fought for. Dr Kaunda fought political violence and tribalism and that is why we are here today. Dr Kaunda pushed for marriages to ensure that we are one people. He promoted inter marriages. In today’s politics, tribal politics should not have any space. Today we want to honor him for the things he wanted to see and fight. Today after several engagements with our friends. We need to be honest with each other that we need to challenge each other with ideas,” he said.

“PF will showcase what they have done. It is based on ideas and party Manifestos. The PF has a lot of good ideas done in line with the party Manifestos. These campaigns should unit is. We are against political violence. We have relationship beyond political activities. Let us conduct ourselves in civil manner. We are not the first and last politicans. We can’t kill for Tayali to go to parliament, we are here to compete with ideas. We need to go and convince the people on the things we have done and about to do.”

He said it is now time to do politics in a different manner after the many achievements the country has recorded.

And Mr Tayali said the police have the duty to protect every citizen.

“It is the duty of the police to police everyone. There is no need to accuse the police of colliding with the colleagues from PF. Why should campaign materials, be removed because we are in the opposition. This should be stopped and the police are the ones that should act. We want a non violent campaign. It is not fair that we should be stopped to do so. The reason why we have not seen violence, is that we have restrained ourselves.”

“This situation of young boys who go to the gym and call themselves commanders are the ones that are promoting violence. As Candidates should should be any means restrain our cadres just for a small token. The back stops at us as leaders, as aspiring candidates. Let us desist from giving the police illegal instructions. Let us be sincere with one another. You Bowman are on record going to a radio station to stop the program of your competitor,” said Mr. Tayali.

He said the PF should accept the outcome of the elections.

“We have examples in this country, KK never allowed violence. We challenge our colleagues in the PF to accept what will happen, and know that the Zambian people are watching and following us closely. We are servants of the people. Let the Zambian people to make their own independent decisions not under duress. This commitment should stand the test of time,” said Mr. Tayali.

Others that were present included PF Ndola District Chairman Benjamin Chitondo, UPND Ndola District Chairman Joseph Phiri and aspiring Candidates for Chifubu, Ndola Central, Bwana Mkubwa and Kabuahi from both parties.