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PF Supremo fires shots at Kitwe cadres rising dust at MPs

Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davies Mwila says he will sternly deal with Councillors and party members fighting Members of Parliament in the Kitwe.

Mr Mwila warned that he will not hesitate to crack a whip on those bent on decampaigning area Members of Parliament because of wanting to contest in the 2021 general elections.

Speaking when he met party officials at Buchi hall in Kitwe today, Mr Mwila said he was aware that some party officials particularly Councillors have been fighting the MPs because they want to impose themselves as candidates in 2021.

Mr Mwila warned that those jeopardizing work for the incumbent Members of Parliament in Kitwe will be dealt with severely as seen by the wrangles in Nkana constituency which is under the leadership of Alexander Chiteme.

“Those wrangles in Nkana constituency must stop forthwith. I am aware of everything that is happening in the constituencies and I know when people are not telling the truth,” he charged.

He said party members with aspirations to stand in 2021 should wait and give a chance to the incumbent to work without interferences.

“Those using social media to decampaign MPs and instead campaign for the next general elections should desist or face the wrath of his office. MPs and Councillors should start working together for the benefit of the party as the party has an advantage to bring development to the people.

“Members of Parliament should start working together. Let me remind those that what to stand in 2021, let them give chance to the incumbent MPs to work. If they want to stand we will tell them when and if they continue fighting with the incumbent I will crack the whip. Central committee made a decision that all those that want to stand should not interfere in the work of the incumbent,” he said.

Mr Mwila said   he will soon engage the ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Infrastructure to see how best they can quickly start working on the Kitwe roads which are in a deplorable state.

He said it is the mandate for the party to provide good roads for the people as they had promised to deliver good roads adding that pf will only win elections in 2021if they deliver.

And Mwila who is in a district to attend a dinner dance at Moba Hotel urged party members to have a spirit of commitment and sacrifice in the upcoming Lubwa ward by election which fell vacant after the demise of Godfridah Chulu.

“Members should not solely depend on the party for finances to mobilize the party but instead should have a spirit of voluntarism. During the late Sata leadership we used to work for the party without financial help. We managed to work because we had the spirit of sacrifice and commitment for the party. Politics is all about voluntary work.

“I wonder why some members are failing to work for the party without been paid. The PF party was founded on commitment and voluntary by its members without any financial back up. People will only give the party votes if members work hard,” he said.

Meanwhile Kitwe Chairperson Evaristo Chilufya asked the Secretary General to intervene and compel members of Parliament in the district to start visiting their constituencies as they are not moving together in developing the constituencies.

Mr Chilufya said the party is ready for the by elections and only needs 4, 000 out of 7,490 votes to win elections in Lubwa ward.

And PF Media Deputy director Antonio Mwanza implored the members to take advantage of the Secretary General’s visit in the district to raise issues that leaders have failed to relay to the SG’s office.

Mr Mwanza emphasized that there is a lot of rumour mongering in Zambian politics when it comes to finances because members always think that those in top leadership have an upper hand and get a lot of money.

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