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PF Nsasa ward candidate optimistic to return seat

Patriotic Front (PF) Nsansa ward candidate Benson Bwalya is optimistic of retaining the seat, saying that another mandate will enable him complete the projects he started.

Mr Bwalya said that once elected, he will continue spearheading the maintaining of cleanliness in the ward.

He also said that he has procured four boreholes, and three have already been mounted.

“I do not like to depend on other people to develop the ward, even if I complain to Mulonga about the erratic supply of water in my ward, little will be done, that is why it was decided that we mount boreholes to help sustain the lives of the residents,” he said.

Mr Bwalya has pledged to lobby for a police post in the ward, as there have been rampant attacks especially during night time.

He said that the program of sponsoring children in grades one to seven will continue as children are the leaders of tomorrow.

Mr Bwalya emphasized on the need to maintain peace and unity as the elections nears, adding that there is only one Zambia and one nation; hence the need to avoid violence.