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PF MPs to defend the constitution

Patriotic Front Leader in Parliament, Brian Mundubile says opposition Members of Parliament will fight to defend the constitution.

Yesterday, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Malungo Chisangano suspended 30 Patriotic Front Members of Parliament for 30 days with immediate effect for breaching the rules and privileges of the house.

In November last year, Patriotic Front members of parliament raised a point of order through the leader of the opposition on the floor of the house, to object to a constitutional provision that was used under head one from a repealed constitution.

And Mr Mundubile said that the protest that the opposition MPs took was relating to defending the constitution.

He said Members of Parliament swore to defend the constitution; hence Members of Parliament’s stand ready to be punished as many times as possible in defending the constitution.

“To this effect the Parliamentarians will not apologise for defending the rights of the people of Zambia, the debate on the president’s address starts, this would have accorded the Zambian people to hear the comments from the opposition on how the president is implementing the national values and Principles,” he said.

Mr Mundunile said that it is unfortunate that parliament finds it fit to suspend the Members of Parliament at such a crucial time.