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The Independent Observer > kalulushi > PF lifts suspension slapped on Kalulushi Mayor

PF lifts suspension slapped on Kalulushi Mayor

By Nchimunya Miyoba
Patriotic Front Kalulushi District has nullified the illegally instituted suspensions on the Constituency Chairperson Rashinda Mulenga and two others.

Confirming the development to The Independent Observer in an interview, Kalulushi acting District chairperson Conelius Mwansa said all the three suspensions slapped on the three district officials have been lifted with immediate effect following a meeting held yesterday

On July 29, 2019 the constituency Chairperson for women Rashida Mulenga, Treasure Allan Chikwa and Secretary Gershom Kambobe were suspended on suspicion that the trio had misappropriated K122, 000 presidential funds meant for party programmes in the district during the president’s visit.

The letter of suspension signed by David Kapeso the disciplinary Chairperson indicated that Ms Mulenga did not follow instructions given to her by the Provincial leadership on how to disburse the funds.

Mr Mwansa said the suspensions where unconstitutionally done by some people within the party.

He said yesterday’s meeting found that there was some errors in how the case was handled.

“Yes I can confirm that the suspensions have been lifted. It was behaviour of some people who unconstitutionally did that. During yesterday meeting it was discovered that there was an error in what the did,” he said.

Ms Mulenga is also Mayor for Kalulushi.

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