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PF has remained strong because of citizen partnership-Lungu

President Edgar Lungu says government is always working to serve the interest of Zambians.

Mr Lungu said some people thought he was not going to intervene when some foreign mining houses were mistreating Zambians on the Copperbelt.

“My government moved in and protected the interests of the miners, the PF administration will not please foreign interests at the expense of workers such as miners and others, that is why the PF has remained strong because of our partnership with Zambian citizens,” he said.

President Lungu also said he will engage management at the Food Reserve Agency on the possibility of the agency buying cassava from farmers.

“This will be one way of motivating the farmers who are growing Cassava in provinces like Luapula and Western, government wants water resources in Luapula to be used to promote agriculture which in turn will improve the country’s economy, there is also need to encourage the private sector to invest in the province so that they can contribute to creating more jobs,” he said.