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The Independent Observer > News > PF adopts Zacks Mwachilele for Katuba

PF adopts Zacks Mwachilele for Katuba

PF has adopted Zacks Mwachilele for the July 30 Katuba parliamentary by-election.

The by-election came by following the untimely demise of late Katuba UPND Member of Parliament Patricia Mwashingwele.

PF Secretary General Davis Mwila said they received an overwarming response from well refined members who could win Katuba sit on any given day but had to arrive at one name.

Mr Mwila thanked all aspiring candidates to embrace Mr Mwachilele’s candidature, adopt a ward to work in during these campaigns and the Party shall give support.

He has called on all camps that had existed before yesterday to immediately come together as one big camp for the Patriotic Front.

Mr Mwila said victory is certain in Katuba.

He said PF has appointed Member of Central Committee (MCC) Paul Moonga as the Campaign Manager to be deputized by MCC Mulando and Copperbelt Minister Japhen Mwakalombe.

“I also wish to announce that Central Committee received recommendations for all the Local Government By-elections. All Party structures and members are under strict instructions to conduct these campaigns without any form of violence and intimidation,” he said


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