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The Independent Observer > OS > Petauke porn circulating thug on police wanted list

Petauke porn circulating thug on police wanted list

Police in Petauke have launched a manhunt for a man that shot a video of the naked unconscious woman where he is seen sexually abusing her.

This is in a video that has gone viral on social media.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says the conduct by the thug who filmed and posted the video on social media is inhuman which directly violates human rights constituting a serious crime.

“We are therefore appealing to the victim not to shy-away from the Police as it has been the case in such matters but to avail herself to Police so that a statement can be recorded from her.

“We further appeal to relatives of the victim and those that may know her, to encourage her to go to any nearest Police Station and give information on what transpired on the material day and further be counseled,” Ms Katongo said.

She also called on members of the public who could have information on the whereabouts of the perpetrator of the heinous crime to confide in Police officers.

Ms Katongo said police will not relent in arresting all those that would want to commit crimes using social media.

“We are warning all would be offenders to stay away from such acts or risk being arrested and prosecuted.

“The perpetrator may be hiding today but he will not hide in perpetuity, soon he will be fished out. The same applies to all other cases involving abuse of cyber space,” she warned.

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