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PeP pays K95, 000 to ECZ

Patriots for Economic Progress (Pep) president Sean Tembo says the party has paid  K95, 000 presidential nomination fee to the Electoral Commission of Zambia to contest for  this year’s general elections.

Mr Tembo said for the past five years they have performed duties to the Zambian people as a progressive opposition political party which is objective and independent.

“Today marks a momentous day in our political journey after paying the K95, 000 presidential nomination fees to the Electoral Commission of Zambia to contest this year’s general elections,” he said.

He said the party has pioneered issues based on politics instead of debating personalities.

Mr Tembo said his party has offered Zambians documented alternative solutions to national problems through the alternative national budgets which have consistently developed and presented for the past five years.

He said the party has achieved so much as an opposition without a single Member of Parliament or Councillor.

Mr Tembo has appealed to the Zambian people to give them MPs and Councilors in this year’s general elections in order to contribute to the development of the country.