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Parliament suspends standing order hundred

Parliament has suspended standing order number One hundred which prohibits the House from considering more than one stage of a Bill at the same sitting.

The House considered the supplementary appropriation 2020 Bill, the Zambia academy of Sciences 2020 Bill and the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Bill.

And Vice President Inonge Wina said it is important that standing order number one hundred is suspended to allow the house to cover more business before adjourning sine die on Thursday December 10, 2020.

Ms Wina said at adjournment, the House would have sat for 52 days.

She said during the period, the House would have considered 81 questions for oral answer, two private members motions and nine motions to adopt Parliamentary committee reports.

Ms Wina said that the 2021 national budget would have also been approved during the sitting.

She said in 2020, the country was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic which required adjustments on how business was conducted.

The Vice President said the purpose for which the house convened has been achieved as government took measures to ensure communication was not hindered during the sitting.

Ms Wina said the massive investments in communication towers and a robust exercise by government to create an e-platform has made it possible for Parliamentarians to be able to conduct business from the comfort of their offices and homes.

She urged Members of Parliament to put aside their differences and work together to find solutions to economic challenges the country is facing.

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