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Parents, schools should work to sharpen children’s future

Maclaren Christian academy School Director Eunice Mwale has called on parents to partner with their children’s schools and work together in sharpening their children’s future.

Speaking during the Graduation Ceremony for grade seven and reception classes last Friday, Ms Mwale said that parent’s have a responsibility to help children with school work when they are at home.

She echoed the need for both parents and teachers to work together so as to shape the future of children.

Ms Mwale said parents should always ensure children are taught the importance school.

She said that pupils at her school have been provided with a safe and conducive learning environment that will help them to succeed.

“We make sure that children learn in a better environment which ensures that they yearn to come back next day. We ensure that academia they strive to get good grades and physically they are fit through sporting activities and also we nurture their talents those who can sing and dance are always given a chance to do so,” she said.

And speaking at the same function Education Standard Officers from the district Mr. Joachim Mulenga and Mr. Ernest Mukonko said that the school has displayed best teaching practices and encouraged them not to wonder away from the path they have taken.

This year the school was given an Examinations center and the grade seven sat for they exams at the school.