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Parents in Mukuni chiefdom urged to take advantage of free education

Mukuni Chiefdom Co-ruler, Bedyango has called on parents and guardians in the chiefdom to take advantage of the free education policy introduced by the government to ensure children especially girls get educated.

The Bedyango said once the children have access to quality primary and secondary education, they will have the zeal for tertiary education and other skills development programmes.

She was speaking in Songwe village during the unveiling of Mukuni Royal University College that is being constructed with the help of Unison,which is based in the UK.

The Bedyango has praised the project owners for constructing the institution in the chiefdom.

Speaking at the same event, Kazungula Acting Council Chairperson, Osward Siansundi said the institution being built in the rural setup is a very good initiative that will lessen the cost of education for youths in the area.

Mukuni Royal University College Chairperson, Trywell Kalyata said once completed the college will offer a number of programs including skills development which will help empower the local people.