Blog Post

The Independent Observer

Boreholes levy will regulate cheating drillers

By Inutu Mwanza in Ethiopia Government says introduction of the Borehole levy will regulate unprofessional drillers who cheat on their clients. Minister of Water, Environment and Sanitation Dennis Wanchinga said the borehole levy will reduce cheating and unprofessionalism in the drilling industry. The Minister said his Ministry was in receipt of several complaints from residents […]

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Chief Cooma sets pace for ending Child Marriage

His Royal Highness Chief Cooma of Choma district has set a pace to abolish the elopement of girl child to eradicate Early Child marriage by the year 2030. The Traditional Ruler said his Chiefdom has a road map which guarantees the retrieved child brides with safe shelter, provision of basic needs and education sponsorship through […]

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