Mufulira marketeers trading along Butondo Rd moved out by force
By ALICE NACHILEMBE Mufulira Municipal Council (MMC) has removed makeshift stands and pallets for traders along Butondo road and freedom way due to resistance by marketeers.
By ALICE NACHILEMBE Mufulira Municipal Council (MMC) has removed makeshift stands and pallets for traders along Butondo road and freedom way due to resistance by marketeers.
Yet again we have recorded 100% pass rates both at Grade 7 and G9. This shows our commitment to educate your child and take them to greater heights. Choose our school by enrolling now: Call 0966 848470 today. See the lists below of the pupils who made it to Grade 8 and Grade 10. [embeddoc […]
Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company wishes to notify our Chingola customers that there will be an interruption of water supply on Wednesday 16th January, 2019 from 08hrs to 16hrs on Thursday 17th January, 2019. The interruption will be to facilitate the replacing of the pontoon at the Kafue Treatment Plant. Areas to be affected are; […]
By ALICE NACHILEMBE Indian Armed Forces have saluted Zambia Air Force -ZAF- Deputy Commander Major General Kapotwe Chintu who died after an illness last week.