Retired local football star Zifa Nkhoma has lost sight
The 51 year old former junior international defender played for Nkana, Power Dynamos and Nchanga Ranger in his peak days. Nkhoma is now seeking money for specialist treatment. “Life has become tougher because I am unable to see. I also miss watching football matches,” he told the Radio Icengelo News crew that visited him in […]
Kamanga courts UEFA countries for partnership with FAZ
By Collins Mukwala FAZ president Andrew Kamanga is set for Europe to lure European countries for partnership with Football House. And FAZ is expected to send five coaches to Morroco as the partnership signed with the North Africans starts to bear fruit. Sources in Morrocco indicate that the first tangible result of the partnership between […]
Transport Minister admits lawlessness among bus and Taxi drivers
It’s true there is lawlessness by mini-buses, taxis and drivers on our roads. They stop anyhow. Unruly cadres extort money out of people and this sector. Realizing the depth of the issues, I have called for a meeting with Hon Kampyongo and Vincent Mwale for a permanent solution. It’s true there is lawlessness by mini-buses, […]
Plant drought resilient crops
Agriculture Permanent Secretary Songowayo Zyambo has urged farmers to plant crops that are drought resilient. Mr Zyambo says the country has a challenge of climate change which has caused dry spells especially in the Southern part. He says farmers must prove that they can develop a variety of crops apart from maize like Cassava and […]