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PAC, PF file in for Ndola mayoral seat

Patriotic Front (PF) Ndola mayoral aspiring candidate Jones Kalyati has successfully filed in his nomination ahead of the August 12 polls.

Mr Kalyati is the ruling party’s candidate for a seat which was occupied by incumbent Amon Chisenga.

Chisenga did not seek adoption for the position.

Mr Kalyati, who was accompanied by a sea of his supporters filed in his nomination at Lowenthal Theater in Ndola slightly after mid-morning.

Speaking in an interview shortly after filling in his papers, Kalyati said that he is confident that he and the PF will win the election with a landslide victory.

“We won the first day we got adoptions and I can assure you that we are hitting the ground running. We have a very good team and I’m assuring you that we are winning and there is no other party that would compete with us,” he said.

Mr Kalyati was followed by Independent candidate Wilson Kango.

Mr Kango said he wants to rejuvenate the city and will make sure council funds are not misappropriated.

And People’s Alliance for Change (PAC) candidate Bwalya Kapembwa also successfully filled his nomination papers for the mayoral post 24 hours after he hit a snag in his quest to become Chifubu Member of Parliament.

Mr Kapembwa initially wanted to stand as PAC Member of Parliament for Chifubu Constituency but was yesterday turned away by the returning officer after he pitched up late at Chifubu Secondary School with the intention of standing as area member of parliament..

Mr Kapembwa said in the aftermath of his filing of nomination papers that once voted for, he will make sure he empowers the youth and women.

“As a youth, I will work with the youths and make sure I transform the city of Ndola,” he said.

Other candidates are scheduled to file in their nomination papers later in the day.