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Own Keep Zambia Clean, Green campaign-Chalikosa


Minister in the Vice President’s Office Silvia Chalikosa has employed Zambians to own the Make Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy programme.

Ms Chalikosa said she had observed that the mindset of most people towards keeping the environment clean was still bad.

The Minister said this today when she joined Lusaka City Council in the monthly Make Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy cleaning exercise

“This mentality in people’s minds of throwing litter anyhow must change if we are to avoid outbreaks of Cholera and other waterborne diseases,” she observed.

The Minister lamented that the culture of illegal dumping of waste with the hope that someone from the Council would come and pick it was bad.

She said government would intensify the awareness campaign for the programme.

Ms. Chalikosa also disclosed that Government was working towards increasing toilet facilities in Lusaka.

She disclosed this when discovered that many people operating around Intercity Bus Terminus were still using plastic bottles and other containers to help themselves.

The Mininister made this discovery as she participated in the cleaning around the facility.

And speaking at the event, Lusaka Deputy Mayor Chilando Chitangala said the Council was doing everything possible to control the indiscriminate dumping of waste.

Ms Chitangala said a number of people had been convicted for the same offence in the Fast Track Court.

She disclosed that just last week 10 people were convicted with Six serving a custodial sentence of two weeks simple imprisonment after failing to pay the fines.

“We are doing so much as Council but the ultimate solution to the problem is mindset change in our people, because you will be working this side the other side people dumping waste in undisignated places” explained.

The cleaning exercise was also attended by Chairperson of the LCC Public Health Committee, Councillor George Daka and Council management team.

This is according to a media statement made available to The Independent Observer by Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager George Sichimba.

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