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Over 50 women in Chingola ditches PF for UPND

The ever growing United Party for National Development (UPND) has continued receiving new members across.

Yesterday during the women’s meeting which was graced by the copperbelt province vice chairlady Mrs. Grace Sampa Malunga, over 50 women all from Pf joined UPND. The women cited poverty, unemployed, thieving and corruption in Pf government of Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu as the reasons for leaving the Patriotic Front party.

And in welcoming the defectors Mrs. Malunga thanked the defectors for making a wise decision by joining the party led by a visionary leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. Mrs. Malunga also encouraged the old members to embrace the new members and work together to bring some more to UPND. She further stated that in UPND all members have equal opportunities regardless of whether one is an old or new member.

When called in to received new members, the Chingola District Chairman Mr. Rapheal Chimupi expressed happiness at the work being done by the women leadership at all levels in strengthening the party.

He also echoed Mrs. Sampa’s sentiments that in UPND, those who formed the party and those joining today are regarded the same and nobody is more important than the other.

On the sideline of the meeting, Mrs. Grace Sampa Malunga who is also the copperbelt zone ‘C’ leader said they have undertaken
the tour of their zone to make sure that more women are brought on board and be active participants in the UPND movement as we get ready for 2021 because we want to remove the Pf failed leadership out of power and asher into government the UPND under the able leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema (HH) and his vice Dr. Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM)

She further said that when things are going wrong in the country its mostly women who suffer the most and its for this reason that women must support UPND in order to realise the much needed economical emancipation.

We want to make sure that our women are encouraged and motivated so that they can participate fully. We know that UPND has got a lot of support on the ground and all they need is encouragement and motivation. Mrs. Malunga said.

The provincial women leader ended by thanking the Chingola district leadership particularly her women counterparts for organising a very successful meeting.

The women meeting which was spiced with singing and dancing was held at Tours Nest in the heart of Nchanga constituency.

After the meeting the jubilant women who where clad in UPND regalia and led by their provincial and district leaders were seen singing and dancing while raising the UPND symbol as can be seen in the video clips.


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