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Over 200 fields, 6 schools flooded  in Luangwa


Over260 farm fields and 6 school structures in Luangwa District have been flooded following the backflow of water in the Kafue River.

The flooding situation has also affected the central business district making it hard for people to conduct business.

Speaking when he checked the area, Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit-DMMU National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe described the situation as unfortunate and saying government will do everything possible to help the affected people.

Mr Kabwe observed that the flooding of the farm fields may result in the District to experience food insecurity which might require government to provide relief food support.

The National Coordinator said his office will make available relief food to all the affected people.

He said he will also engage the Ministry of Agriculture to find ways of helping the affected farmers in Luangwa.

Mr Kabwe also said he will further engage the Ministry of General Education on the possibilities of suspending classes in the schools that are affected in order to secure the lives of children.

He said this is because, the Kafue River is crocodile infested and anyone can be attacked anytime.

Mr Kabwe appealed to the people to avoid conducting business near the river banks to avoid crocodile attacks.

And to the affected marketeers, Mr Kabwe assured them of empowerment so that they can resuscitate their businesses.

Meanwhile Luangwa District Commissioner Julius Sikasote said there is need for quick intervention in addressing the matter before lives are lost.

Mr Sikasote said the district administration cannot operate at the moment because the roads are also in floods.

He called on DMMU to urgently find ways to take out the water in order to retain normacy.

And Monica Phiri a Maketeer called on government to help them with capital as all their items were slept away by water.

She said most maketeers lost all their merchandise in the floods which she said if not addressed will increase the poverty levels in the district.