By John Kane
In 2016 a team of Zambian engineers was assembled at KCM and I was privileged to be appointed as project manager to lead the team in establishing Heap leaching technology at KCM.
The project was developed from first Principle and was successfully commissioned 12 months later.
The design, installation and commissioning of the said project was done entirely by Zambians. A comparison was done with a previous attempt by the so called experts who had spent four times more than we did. We produced 400 tonnes finished cathode and the experts produced zero!
The project had several packages not limited to civil, mechanical, HDPE lining, E & I and pumps. All these packages were executed by notable contractors such as Matty Investment of Chingola and others from Kitwe.
I know for a fact there are similar stories that Zambian engineers can share about their contribution to running of the mines in Zambia. We have the necessary expertise. If we are trusted and supported we can take mining industry to greater heights!
What however worries us, are the stories we have heard when the mines were run by ZCCM IH. Directors would issue instructions to use mining equipment at their farms.
The current approach by PF to increase stake mines is a very good move and it does synchronize with a lot of Zambians.
Below is the footprint that I always enjoy looking at from Google Earth. It shows the leach pad, the drainages and ponds for solution management!
Be a proud engineer and share your achievements to shame the doomsayers!
The writer is a Project Manager Heap Leaching at KCM.