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The Independent Observer > Op-Ed > Op-Ed: It was a pledge, nothing more, nothing less

Op-Ed: It was a pledge, nothing more, nothing less

By Wisdom Muyunda
I was surprised with media reports that the PF Copperbelt Mobilisation Chairperson Bowman Lusambo were making fake pledges.

The Bowman Lusambo led mobilisation team pledged to help marketeers in Roan and Mufulira.

According to me the Copperbelt PF Mobilisation had made pledges and pledging means committing to do something.

What is saddening to learn is that few days after the pledge some members expected execution to be immediately.

In the pledge there was no date for someone to claim the pledge wasn’t fulfilled.

They pledged and they are going to fulfill their word.

It is just bad that PF is fighting PF. I think Roan should not be a unique case in all this drama.

In the whole saga it seems there are members, who have interest in an area.

My advise to PF is that let not individuals push their there own selfish interests ahead of that of the party and the President.

The interests of the party is supreme and the objective should be to ensure the party wins.

It should not be an issue of relevance but growing the party not oneself.

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