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The Independent Observer > News > Only call boys with IDs will be allowed in bus stations

Only call boys with IDs will be allowed in bus stations

Zambia Police says that the complaints from call boys at bus stations of harassment should not stand, only those that are employed by particular bus operators should be allowed to be in public bus stations.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says that it is the same call boys have been troubling, harassing and stealing from unsuspecting people.

Ms Katongo said loitering by the call boys should not be allowed and entertained.

“We will suggest to bus operators that those to be employed as call boys for their business should have some sort of identification to avoid even criminals passing of as call boys,” she said.

Ms Katongo said the positive policy pronouncement on ending caderism in public places should be taken advantage of by not allowing hooliganism in bus stations.

Ms Katongo said the police will help to clean these areas so that people can once again enjoy sanity.

“In short, going forward, only those people call boys employed to work by particular business owners should be left in such places and they should be given some form of identification such as vests labeled with the transport firm they represent,” she said.