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One person nabbed in mobile city theft

Police in Kitwe have shot dead one criminal who was involved in the theft incident that occurred at Mobile City last week.

Copperbelt Police Acting Commanding Officer Sharon Zulu said the police followed up the breaking at Mobile City in Kitwe and visited the scene and discovered that the CCTV Drive at Mobile City was also stolen but Officers used the Cameras at Pick n Pay next to Mobile City.

Ms Zulu said after watching the footage, three Criminals was seen entering Mobile City and exiting during the time the breaking took place.

She said officers identified one as Prince Mugala an Ex-Convict and the two Security Gaurds from Armsecure who were guarding Mobile City also identified him as Kamwefu the Ex – Convict.

Ms Zulu also said a talk time seller only known as Dick also identified him as Kamwefu the Ex-Convict who is known to street kids.

She said the street kids also confirmed that the said Kamwefu has bought a new Toyota Allison Reg number ADD 8363 silver in Colour and that it has a dent on the left side of the Vehicle he came to show them.

Ms Zulu said Armed with that information; Officers started looking for the said Vehicle and the said Kamwefu.

And on July 7, 2022 at 0930 hours, the Vehicle was spotted at Builders Ware House in Free Town Road in Parklands Kitwe and the driver was identified as the one of the criminals on the footage.

They started trailing him from Parklands up to Kantanta road in town is when he noticed a vehicle trailing him, He increased speed and now officers fired three shots in the air to stop him but he increase speed going towards Wusakile,” she said.

She said they fired four shots to deflate the tires unfortunately one caught him in head while others deflated tires and went off to hit into a wall fence at Shakaina School where he was found.

He was rushed to Kitwe Teaching Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Body in the mortuary.