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Nsansa ward councillor commends MWSC

Nsansa ward councillor Benson Bwalya has commended Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company for the project of rehabilitating water pipes in the ward.

Mr Bwalya said since time in memorial the area has had water supply problems, which resulted in residents resorting to fetching water from shallow wells.

He also urged the residents to desist from vandalizing and stealing the new pipes as that is a deterrent to development.

“We were once hit by shortage of water, but now the water utility company has started working to address the water shortages, as residents, let us guard these pipes jealously, let us not disrupt the project by stealing the pipes, vandalism is the ward is rampant, and this has caused disruption of water in some parts of the ward,” he said.

Mr Bwalya also urged the water utility company to speed up the project so that residents hit by shortage of water can start accessing clean and safe water.

He said that as it is some residents are relying on rain water for daily use, hence the call for the fastening up of the pipe works.