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North-western water utility boards apointed

Water Development and Sanitation Minister Mike Mposha has revealed the boards of directors for North Western Water supply and Sanitation, Western Water Supply and Sanitation and Southern Water Supply and Sanitation Company.

Mr Mposha says this has been done after extensive consultations with various stakeholders.

Mr Mposha said appointed Boards of Directors for the three water utilities to provide policy and strategic direction for the next three years.

The appointed are Mr Sangazi Maliti who will chair the board of eight for the Northwestern Water Supply and Sanitation Company, while Cuthbert Munankwenkwa will Chair the Board of Southern Water Supply and Sanitation Company, and Mr Eric Akapelwa will Chair the Board for Western Water supply and Sanitation.

Mr Mposha said Government has assembled a dedicated team of Zambians to Superintend over the Affairs of the Companies to support Zambia’s vision of attaining Universal access to water and sanitation.